The government will approve the list of the unitary enterprises which will carry out all purchases on 223-FL

16 January 2017, Monday

The list will include only the federal state unitary enterprises. The government will shall approve the list with the Russian President Administration.

Changes in connection with which this list will appear are brought in the Law N 223-FZ and came into force on January 1. Legal persons from the list will be able to continue purchasing activity under the Law N 223-FL.

The unitary enterprises which won't be mentioned in the government list since January 1 are obliged to carry out purchases under the Law N 44-FL. They can conduct procurement under the Law N 223-FL only in two cases:

- purchase is financed by grants and the grantor didn't provide other;

- the entity - the contractor under the state contract attracts the third parties.

The exception of the second case is constituted by the contracts signed with "the unique supplier" based on acts of the president or the government.

Purchases under the Law N 223-FZ in two given cases are admissible if the unitary enterprise till December 31, 2016 accepted and placed regulations on purchase in a unified information system.

Document: The federal law of 28.12.2016 N 474-FZ (came into force on January 1, 2017)

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